March 18, 2020 Tami Nealy

3 Spring Cleaning Tips for Social Influencer Campaigns

Time for spring cleaning? When you prioritize the platforms you are creating content for, you are signaling to brands that you are ready for influencer partnerships.

Spring is here and with so much talk about spring cleaning, have you considered a good Marie Kondo-ing of your social media channels? When we think of spring cleaning, we think about cleaning out our closets or even cleaning our cookware. But tidying up your social media is just as important! Whether you’re an established influencer or an aspiring creator looking to work with brands to create sponsored posts, cleaning up your various social media platforms can impact the way others perceive you.

We found inspiration from Page Nine who created a social media health check last year. As a micro-influencer who finds herself professionally working with influencers every day, her social media health check worksheet is short and simple.

Spring cleaning Up Your Bio

Think of your bio as your movie trailer, or your book cover. What can you tell the world about you in to grab their attention? Your bio on Twitter, Instagram Facebook and Pinterest informs readers about what they can expect from your content. Be true to who you are and watch your audience grow.

A great example of a high quality bio is that of Phoenix-based blogger Diana Elizabeth. Diana’s bio is consistent across Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and even within Google’s search results for her blog.

When a brand is looking for specific types of influencers to work with to reach their target market, your bio is often their first opportunity to get to know you. Consider including your email address in your bio to make it even easier for brands to connect with you. Tidy up your bio and help brands to clearly see how you can help them execute successful influencer marketing campaigns.

Prioritize Platforms 

For some creators, posting on Instagram is where they see their greatest engagement rates. Others see more traffic to their blogs. As you begin to update your bio as outlined above, what social media platform will you visit first? When you begin to prioritize your platforms, you may even recognize that others no longer perform for you. If that’s the case, it may be time for a purge.

In a recent conversation with some bloggers, we learned that Pinterest is a huge driver of traffic to their blog. Their target audience discovers them on Pinterest and connects to their blog for more content and information. Page Nine believes that when it comes to prioritizing social media platforms, “…the moral of the story is evaluate what you are posting and the audience you want to reach.”

When you prioritize the platforms you are creating content for, you are signaling to brands that you are ready for influencer partnerships.

Purge Who You Follow

Are you following more people on social media than you can keep up with? It’s important from time to time to review those people and brands you follow and determine if you still see value in the content they are delivering you. Some Instagram influencers began as foodies and have transitioned to travel bloggers. Do you enjoy their travel content or were you a fan in the beginning when they posted food-related content?

Page Nine explains that if you’re looking to work with brands, you really need to be smart about your following-to-follower ratio. If you have 2,000 followers and you are following 3,000, brands may make assumptions that your followers simply liked you in return for your follow.

A purge of who you follow not just on your Instagram account but your Twitter and Facebook accounts too can also impact a brand’s perception of you as they look to find the right influencers for their campaigns.

Purify Sponsored Content

As you’re doing a cleanse of your social media profiles, it’s critical to review any previous sponsored content you’ve posted. Have you included the appropriate disclosures to signal your relationship with a brand? In November 2019 the Federal Trade Commission issued “Disclosures 101 for Social Media Influencers,” highlighting when and where influencers need to disclose partnerships within their content.

As brands review your content and consider incorporating you into their influencer marketing strategy, prove that you post in accordance with the FTC. Brands aren’t interested in the risks associated with influencers who don’t follow the rules. Think you’re ready to dive in and tidy up your social media channels? Visit the Page Nine blog and download her social media worksheet today.

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