December 14, 2020 Tami Nealy

Influencer Insider: 2020 Fitness Trends of Influencers

Long gone are the days of Jane Fonda workout videos. Today’s fitness enthusiasts are relying on technology that supersedes the VCR to help them achieve their workout goals. With the temporary closing of gyms and fitness centers in 2020 in light of COVID-19, many individuals turned to virtual workouts and other creative channels to extend their workouts in safe and healthy ways. 

In a survey of social media influencers who opted into the Find Your Influence network, sixty percent of influencers surveyed indicated that they have subscribed to a virtual fitness program in 2020. 77% of influencers surveyed replied that they have plans to purchase fitness equipment within the next six month period.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the American economy in so many different ways and the fitness industry has not been immune from the effects,” explains Alicia Bachardy, Vice President of Client Development, with Find Your Influence. “Influencers have the voice and the platform to help fitness brands promote and market their products to an engaged and enthusiastic audience. As individuals start thinking about New Year’s resolutions, and restrictions continue across the country, the timing is right for fitness brands to harness the power of social media influencers.”

In November, Find Your Influence surveyed more than 340 social media influencers, using FYI’s proprietary survey technology, to learn more about their 2020 fitness trends and preferences. These individuals were surveyed online reaching nano influencers, micro influencers and macro influencers. The six-question survey reached a sample of FYI’s influencer database of active U.S.-based social media influencers to better understand their workout habits, plans to invest in fitness equipment and their feelings around the safety of gyms and fitness centers.

An influencer’s inside look at fitness trends in 2020: 

As gyms across the country slowly begin to reopen, do you plan to continue working out at home or will you be returning to your gym/fitness center?

68% Continue working out at home

32% Return to my gym

If you belonged to a gym/fitness center before March 2020, was it a local gym or a national chain?

54% Local gym/fitness center

46% National chain

How safe do you feel working out at your local gym/fitness center?

34% Unsafe 

32% Safe 

16% Very safe

 9 % Extremely safe

 9%  Very unsafe

 >1% Extremely unsafe

In 2020 did you subscribe to any virtual fitness programs?

60%  Yes 

40%  No 

If you have done group fitness classes since March 2020, have you done them indoors, outdoors or both?

43% A mix of indoors and outdoors 

30% Outdoors 

27% Indoors  

Do you plan to purchase fitness equipment before April 1, 2021?

77% Yes 

23% No 

To speak with Find Your Influence directly about survey results, please contact Tami Nealy, tami@findyourinfluence.com.
