April 27, 2020 Guest Blogger

5 Helpful Tips To Grow Your Instagram Following

Start by studying your analytics to know when your Instagram followers are the most active on your page.

Since launching in 2010, Instagram has billions of users daily. There is no question that the app is extremely popular among millennials for sharing visual content and original interactions. Instagram is also an effective marketing tool for both business and influencers.

No matter what you are selling, growing an Instagram page and cultivating an established following can be achieved but it won’t happen overnight. There are a few things to keep in mind while trying to boost your account, and with patience you will be able to achieve growth in good time.

Understand The Instagram Algorithm 

 The first thing that you need to understand about Instagram is its algorithm, which is notorious for changing. Based on a combination of timing, interest and how meaningful the interactions are, your post can either be at the top of the timeline or get lost with others. So how do you stay ahead? Start by studying your analytics to know when your followers are the most active on your page. Chances are that most users will be on the app in the morning and evening compared to the middle of the day. Hashtags and geolocations are also worth a mention and should be used to drive traffic to your page.

 Utilize hashtags

 Just like the algorithm, hashtags are integral for driving interest to your page and a great tool for finding new followers. Using a combination of different hashtags will make your page discoverable for people looking for specific content. “For example, if you are a beauty page and looking for some inspiration, why not search the beauty hashtag to see what appears in the feed and research what content could be improved on. You could even combine the beauty hashtag with natural beauty or beauty haircare for people looking for niche content” says Jonathan Anderson, a social media manager at Draftbeyond and Lastminutewriting.

 Take Advantage of Stories

Interacting with your followers though the Stories feature will grab their attention and help you stand out. Showing followers your face behind your brand and starting a conversation will bring a personal element to your page. Followers want to know your story and why you’re doing what you’re doing, why not explain your process and tell them your journey? Posting stories regularly will keep your account top of the timeline. 

“Try asking questions on the Stories feature as interactions will lead to more interest and new followers visiting your page. When posting new content, always remember to share it in your story as people will directly click and visit your page through this linked feature,” suggests Anna Jackson, a social media writer at LuckyAssignments and Gumessays.


Researching and collaborating with influencers, or brands, who already have an established following can be beneficial for growing your page. By reaching out to those whose values align with yours, you can improve your brand awareness. Users will be motivated to visit your page when you pair up with another influencer who believes and supports your brand, especially if they already have a popular page. “Collaborating on content with another influencer will also increase interactions on both your pages and so it’s overall beneficial for both you and whoever you decide to collaborate with. Make sure to do your research by following similar pages to yours and look at the drop-down menu when you follow someone new,” explains Michelle Stone, a marketer at Writinity and Researchpapersuk.

Engage With Your Audience

As mentioned, engaging with your followers is integral to show personality behind your brand. Go further and research what your audience is interested and what content they would like to see. Asking your followers directly what they want to see via Stories, videos or an Instagram Live will show that you’re invested and want to spend time getting to know them. Keep active with all your content by answering DMs and questions through the messenger feature, make sure to respond to comments on new posts. User generated content is also known to perform better as followers want to be involved in the process.

 Why not consider these tips for growing your channel and research what content your followers want you to see? By taking the time and investing in your page, you will be able to see your account grow in a matter of months.


Freelance contribution especially written for Find Your Influence by Cheri S. Jones. 
