October 23, 2019 Tami Nealy

Influencers, Treat Your Influence Like a Business

There comes a point in every influencer’s career when they realize what they are doing is more than just posting photos on social media. Each day, influencers make a significant investment of time and energy. Turning your influence in to a business has a different starting point for everyone.

As a Talent Manager with FYI Talent Management, here is what I recommend to influencers considering turning their “side hustle” of influencing into a full-time career.

To Do List for Influencers

  • After making the decision to make your influence a business, commit to running everything like a business. Understand how often will you be paid. Determine what you will use to track expenses. Should you hire others to help?
  • Consider researching how to start an LLC. This will help you keep your business finances separate from your personal finances.
  • Understand how long projects really take from start to finish. Sometimes it’s hard to realize how long a project takes from conception of an idea to the final posting. Take this all into consideration just as you would if you clocked into a  9-5 job.
  • Stay organized so nothing gets lost! Services like Trello or Milanote can help to keep everything organized. Things you would put into a system like this could be: campaign due dates, contact information for follow ups and payment details.
  • Set time aside for administrative work so you can spend more time creating. Emails and admin work can take up a lot of time from sorting emails to sending analytics so make sure it isn’t taking up all of your time. If you have two hours after the kids go to bed, spend just one hour doing admin and the rest planning for new content. If admin work is taking up more time than you can handle, maybe it’s time to hire out some help.
  • Once you’ve evaluated where you are in your business, it might be time to get some help. At FYI Talent Management we help influencers with negotiations, follow-ups and payment processing. Along with admin tasks, FYI Talent also wants to help grow your business with strategy meetings, goal setting and branding exercises.

If you’re ready to treat your influence like a business and take the next step with management, contact FYI Talent for a get-to-know-you call. Simply email tami-at-findyourinfluence-dot-com today.

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